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Old 01-02-2008, 04:53 PM
tazzmann tazzmann is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Vancouver, WA
Posts: 1
Default Hello from Vancouver, WA

Hello all, I am a newbie engraver from Vancouver, WA and am into Custom Knives as a hobby. I would like to engrave the bolsters and maybe some blades and know nothing about engraving.

So, with that, I have a couple of questions...

1. Money is tight, so what is the lowest price "Good" vise?
2. Should I try and buy a Palm Control, or should I learn the "old fashioned" way and do it by hand?
3. Are there any good books that will explain the different gravers and what they are used for?
4. Do you really need a microscope? If so, what is a good quality, but relatively in-expensive one to start with.

I don't want to go all out on these things as I may find that engraving is not for me.

Well, I think that will do it for a start.


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