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Old 10-13-2008, 07:52 PM
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KatherinePlumer KatherinePlumer is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Oak Run, California
Posts: 233
Default Re: Katherine's Tutorial #3: color scrimshaw peacock pendant

Ooooo, this is going very well. :D Hopefully I don't jinx it by saying that, but I'm quite pleased!

After finishing the blue, I added a little blue-green on the bird's face and throat, and when that was done I added brown to the beak and eye. How I'm doing that is I'm scrimming MORE dots over what I've already done, and then those new dots will hold the new ink color. Is there some color bleeding into the previous scrimmed areas? Just barely. I am being SUPER careful with inking, I brush it on with that dinky little brush. You would probably not want to just randomly smear ink over the whole thing, that could have bad results. But I am finding that after applying multiple coats of wax over each finished layer I'm pretty well eliminating the problem of new colors sticking to old colors.

Does that make sense? Sometimes I'm not sure if things make sense to other people, I just know they make sense to me. Please ask if you have questions, I think I'm running out of things to show you that are different from anything I've done before.

Anyway, here's the blue-green finished (somehow it's more noticeable in person):

And then the brown finished:

Up next is a lot of black. If I'm going to have a problem with ink going where it shouldn't, this'll be where it happens. Stay tuned... (hmm, I need to work on the mammoth ivory too!)