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Picture My first project. Ready for critic. Let her rip. 1866 Winchester
Attach is my first complete project. After a 1 week course in the middle of Kansas, I took a deep breath and put chisel to metal. (Thanks to Rex Pedersen) I don't need to hear praise but I do need to hear where I can improve.

Lindsey Palm Control used.

DSmalley 14 07-29-2011 05:43 PM
Picture My 2nd project 1860 Henry (Uberti) by Willy B. Infamous
This is the 2nd full project I have attempted. It is a 1860 Henry Uberti engraved in Nimschke style. I appreciate any and all critic. How will I get better unless I know where I went wrong. Thanks for stopping by.
DSmalley 3 12-19-2011 01:21 AM
Picture 1873 Winchester (Uberti) side plates. Critique please!
This is my 4th project. The side plates of an 1873 Winchester (Uberti clone) rifle in Nimschke style, using my own design. Please comment on how I can do better. Willy B. Infamous
DSmalley 9 03-11-2012 01:27 AM
Picture 1873 Winchester (Uberti) side plates. Nimschke Aldridge design Critique please!
This is my third project. It is the Nimschke Aldridge design side plates for the 1873 Winchester rifle. Please comment so that I may improve my skills.

Willy B. Infamous
DSmalley 5 02-20-2012 04:48 AM
Picture Uberti 1866 Carbine, my first commission.
Everyone starts somewhere and obtaining greater skills is a lifetime event. This is my first commission. It is for a SASS Cowboy Action Shooter. Please comment. How can i get better if I don't know what is wrong?
DSmalley 13 03-10-2012 06:41 PM
Picture 1866 Uberti Winchester Critique PLEASE!
This is the second commission I have taken in. It is a Uberti 1866 Winchester reproduction. The customer wanted a rattle snake motif. I did some "Fauxbulino" inside the front scrolls to make a snake eye. Critique welcome, as how can I get better unless I know what to work on.
DSmalley 5 07-02-2012 07:36 PM
Picture USFA Storekeeper Cowboy PLEASE CRITIQUE! How else will I get better?
This is a USFA Storekeeper Cowboy with my first gold inlay work.
DSmalley 6 12-18-2013 12:33 AM
Picture 1873 Winchester side plates (Uberti) feel free to critique please. How else will I get better.
These are a pair of side plates for a Uberti 1873 Winchester rifle.
DSmalley 1 10-18-2012 11:39 PM
Picture The Golden Unicorn PLEASE CRITIQUE!
This is a USFA Single Action that I completed for a customer. I call it the Golden Unicorn. As a shooter of single action firearms, I believe that the USFA "Clones" are made MUCH better than any third Generation Colt. And that My friends is just sad. Please feel free to critic this work. If I do not know what is wrong, how will I improve.
DSmalley 11 12-03-2014 02:04 AM
Picture USFA Colt Clones Critique is Welcome. How else will I get better?
These are a pair of USFA pistols that I just completed. It was quite interesting to do the diamond pattern on the barrels. I had never done that before and did not practice before i dug in. The customer is very happy with the results. Please any critique is welcome. I need to know what I can do better.
DSmalley 7 03-09-2013 04:54 AM
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