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  Album Title Owner Pictures Last Picture Reverse Sort Order
Picture dave gibson, practice plates
IMG_0732.JPGIMG_0734.JPGIMG_0735.JPGIMG_0737.JPGIM G_0864.JPGIMG_0867.JPGIMG_0866.JPGIMG_0865.JPGIMG_ 0738.JPGIMG_1055JPG
dave gibson 23 08-25-2010 08:36 PM
Picture Alchemist
Chinking away at pretty much anything that chinks...
Alchemist 2 08-09-2010 04:16 AM
Picture Some work of James Miller FIPG.
A selection of my work, all unique pieces made from gold and silver and hard fired enamels. I am the goldsmith and cannot take credit for the enamelling.The sweet bowl sets show patterning cut with a Rose engine turning machine,
James Miller FIPG 40 08-08-2010 03:16 AM
Picture Rose Duke's Engravings
Engraving the Old Fashion Way
Rose Duke 17 08-06-2010 03:33 PM
Picture album 2
asen.asenov 7 08-03-2010 07:49 AM
Picture Neil's work
Some of my work!
mckeenh 33 07-29-2010 07:42 PM
Picture Custom Knives Past and Present
Here are knives that have past through my hands over the years. I still have most and am adding whenever possible.
jklein7401 26 07-26-2010 12:06 PM
Picture 2009/2010
Can see a lot of growth
DanDringenberg 11 07-17-2010 11:28 PM
Picture Trouble and show off
engraving images good bad and ugly
K Frei 3 07-15-2010 09:07 AM
Picture Damien Connolly
Examples from all facets of my work.
Damien Connolly 12 07-15-2010 07:09 AM
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