Engraving Forum.com - The Internet's Largest and Fastest Growing Engraving Community

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  Album Title Owner Pictures Reverse Sort Order Last Picture
JOEYS CARVED ART 59 12-21-2014 08:04 PM
Picture Albert custom knives,scrimshaw,bulino
stefan albert 60 04-14-2010 12:02 PM
Picture J.R.French"s recent work
JRon 60 01-12-2013 09:41 AM
Picture stuff I've done
In here you will see some of the thngs I have done. All of this was with an old rotary paragrave system. I am by no means a pro but I am still learning. These are custom lowrider bike parts for the most part. I am trying to do homework and improve my scroll design abilities and I am also trying to learn to use a graver. I will be purchasing a Lindsey system in the near future.
ChadB 60 03-31-2011 07:50 AM
Picture my engraving
myazel 60 11-01-2012 08:39 PM
Picture Engraving and Leatherwork by Danae
Engraving done with a rotary diamond tip pen and leatherwork of the last couple of years. 2010-2011
Danae 60 12-01-2012 06:23 PM
Picture my work
alica26 60 08-09-2016 01:49 PM
Picture My various engravings
michal 60 06-06-2016 06:19 PM
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