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Discuss hand engraving using basic to the most advanced methods and equipment
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Murray Tinkleman - Rodeo Drawings
This is an excellent reference book for anyone that does any western artwork. It has some really fantastic images of horses also. As a bonus, it was all done in pen and ink, using a technique very similar to "line" bulino, and serves as excellent study in how to use tiny lines to get shading down.
Chapi |
2 |
04-11-2009 07:42 PM
Blood and Sweat
All my jewelry is hand scultpted and fabricated from sheet stock and wire. My scene work is a traditional Italian line and dot technique. I only do one type of work and it's my very best... I hope to improve my skills as time goes on and continue to pour my soul into metal. I'm 29yrs old. I've been engraving for approx 10yrs and jewelry for about 18yrs. Thank you for looking.
plat955 |
20 |
04-09-2009 07:35 PM
plat955 |
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04-09-2009 12:18 AM
plat955 |
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04-09-2009 12:10 AM
E.T.'s Stuff
stinkysock |
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04-06-2009 11:58 PM
"Damn Your Eyes" Spyderco
pictures of my first knife, engraved as a present to a fellow tattoo artist. I took some artistic license with the scoll coming off of the candle flame smoke, instead of the traditional vegitation origin. I need to work harder on my lettering skills. Thanks for looking.
Chapi |
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04-03-2009 12:14 AM
Newbie Bench Photo
Photo of my new bench.
Matson |
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03-27-2009 06:29 PM
Karin's work
First steps
Karin |
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03-27-2009 12:55 PM
Past Projects
just some of the things I've done in the past.
Vince P. |
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03-26-2009 11:13 PM
Practice Plates
from first to now (no last!) hopefully showing improvement over time. laugh if you must, but if you do, you must at least add a Constructive comment.
Vince P. |
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03-21-2009 08:09 PM
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