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  Album Title Reverse Sort Order Owner Pictures Last Picture
Picture Trouble and show off
engraving images good bad and ugly
K Frei 3 07-15-2010 09:07 AM
Picture Tuğra Besmele Gravür...
M.S.G~Engraving 2 11-21-2009 11:53 AM
  TW Transfer Solution Fiasco
Just purchased some TW Transfer Magic. Have had very poor results after spending 4 hours at Office Dept trying about every copier in the store. There has to be another transparency film available with an open stock. Can anyone help? Please respond to percman48@comcast.net. Much appreciated. I saw a demonstration and was impressed but that too has passed. Thanks for your help and assistance.
percman48 0 None
Picture Twisted wire inlay
playing around with twisted copper & silver wire.
powderhorn 2 01-08-2009 05:29 PM
Picture Uberti 1866 Carbine, my first commission.
Everyone starts somewhere and obtaining greater skills is a lifetime event. This is my first commission. It is for a SASS Cowboy Action Shooter. Please comment. How can i get better if I don't know what is wrong?
DSmalley 13 03-10-2012 06:41 PM
Picture uniquely engraved gun
hand carved 45
bob678 3 08-22-2019 01:23 PM
Picture Updates
More of my metalsmith pieces, for more information on a variety of metalsmith techniques check my page:
Hector Lopez 19 11-12-2013 10:11 AM
  Used power hone
I am just wondering if anyone out there knows of a used power hone for sale.
copperman 0 None
Picture USFA 45LC Johnson County Cattle war's of 1892
Vitello 10 12-18-2013 12:16 PM
Picture USFA Colt Clones Critique is Welcome. How else will I get better?
These are a pair of USFA pistols that I just completed. It was quite interesting to do the diamond pattern on the barrels. I had never done that before and did not practice before i dug in. The customer is very happy with the results. Please any critique is welcome. I need to know what I can do better.
DSmalley 7 03-09-2013 04:54 AM
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