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Old 04-22-2007, 07:25 PM
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Steve Ellsworth Steve Ellsworth is offline
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Pleasantville Iowa
Posts: 784
Default Re: Coin Cutting Tutorials

Bill you never impose
so not to worry
i would be more than happy thrilled to have you jump in on this project if you want to

bill and i use differnt tools
differnt techniques
different styles
differnt everything
both ( i assume) masters of coin cutting
bill has been cutting coins longer than i
i have been carving precious stones and ivory longer vthan coins but the same stuff applies (sort of)

we do grind our tools differntly
if you are limied in steel then watch and learn
if you want to go for it then be prepared to make a few tools

this is a thing it might take you a lifetime to learn - maybe not
it is not like engraving and there are not a lot of us around
when we die it goes with us and whats left to our students
bill and i are in the top of the realm
we dont have to teach or takea back seat to anyone
we have more projects than we have time left to live
but we love the art and are willing to share
up to you where you take it
kind of like owning a light saber and being a jedi
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